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giovedì 30 giugno 2011

Bye bye, Mr. Quantitative Easing!

Cosenza (Italy), 30 Giugno 2011

Giovedi si estinguerà definitivamente il programma di QE2, e con esso probabilmente il ricordo del nome quantitative easing, che per tanto tempo ha accompagnato le cronache economiche. L'esercizio del momento sembra essere diventato provare ad indovinare le reazioni dei mercati e le eventuali contromosse della FED. L'articolo CNBC 30/6 "As QE2 Ends, Market Debates Fed's Next Move" fornisce un esempio di ciò: per esempio, Bill Gross, di PIMCO, sostiene che ci sarà un QE3 entro la fine dell'anno, magari celato sotto qualche altra forma. Tuttavia, da un ecente sondaggio Reuters, emerge che questa sia una posizione di gran lunga minoritaria, poichè la maggior parte degli economisti intervistati è di opinione contraria. Lo stesso Presidente FED Bernanke ha dichiarato che prima di ogni altra decisione, è utile attendere qualche tempo per ricevere indicazioni utili dagli andamenti di mercato.
The Federal Reserve ends its $600 billion bond-buying program, known as QE2, Thursday and has yet to offer any hints of more monetary easing to come. That hasn't stopped investors from wondering what new tricks the central bank may have in its repertoire should the U.S. economy's struggles continue in the second half of 2011.
Bill Gross, manager of PIMCO, the world's largest bond fund, said last week the Fed may signal as soon as August that it stands ready to print more money if the economy worsens and recession starts looking like a real possibility.
"I'm surprised at how quickly talk has turned to QE3. It began even before QE2 had ended," said Gregory Whiteley, who manages the government debt portfolio at DoubleLine Capital, a Los Angeles-based fund with some $12 billion in assets.
"But it's a bit like automakers who offer incentives to buy. People get hooked on them, and before one program ends, they're thinking about when the next one will come along."
Not everyone thinks the Fed will act quite so quickly.
Including QE2, the central bank's unprecedented policies in recent years have pumped $2.3 trillion into the financial system. After a recent run of weak economic data, Fed chief Ben Bernanke said last week that "a little bit of time to see what happens would be useful" before taking more policy decisions. In a Reuters poll of 24 fixed income strategists this month, the median probability of QE3 was 20 percent. A poll of 46 economists in May had even longer odds of 15 percent.But timing for the Fed has not been ideal. The end of QE2 comes just as the U.S. economy is losing steam. Growth slowed sharply in the first quarter and data has yet to signal a quick recovery. The jobless rate remains above 9 percent.
"Part of the Fed's mandate is to support full employment, so they will have to stay involved," said Quincy Krosby, investment strategist at Prudential Financial, with $859 billion in assets. "They will have to get more imaginative."
A questo punto della situazione, io credo di essere tra quanti non (!) ritengono necessario un QE3: l'Euro continua ad apprezzarsi, mentre il Dow Jones si rafforza, segno che nuovo denaro sta entrando in Borsa. Evidentemente, piuttosto che il rafforzamento dell'economia reale, si sta verificando un importante movimento nell'economia nominale, in particolar modo un ritorno ai titoli di credito ordinari e derivati. A livello cumulato si vede infatti che il tasso di cambio Euro/Dollaro USA e i movimenti del Dow Jones sono molto correlati soprattutto nell'ultimo periodo, ma i movimenti del Dow Jones sembrano molto più robusti ed importanti di quelli dell'Euro.

I grafici che seguono (a 10 giorni e a 3 mesi) sembrano confermare queste affermazioni.

Fonte Comdirect.de; linea nera: Dow Jones Index Average; linea blu: Eur/Usd

Matteo Olivieri
>> Le informazioni qui contenute non (!) costituiscono sollecitazioni ad investire.

domenica 19 giugno 2011

Stabilità globale a rischio: parola di Trichet

Cosenza (Italy), 19 Giugno 2011

Alla fine del suo mandato, il Presidente BCE Trichet confessa che la stabilità del "blocco della moneta unica" è a rischio, considerata la carenza di guida politica. Ironia della sorte, pronuncia il suo discorso ricevendo il Global Economy Prize 2011 al Kiel Institute for the World Economy, dove io ho studiato e dove più volte mi sono pronunciato in tal senso [vedi qui il mio paper del 2005].
Per un resoconto del discorso di Trichet rinvio all'articolo CNBC 19/6 "Trichet warns of widening global imbalances":
KIEL (Germany) (Reuters) - European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet on Sunday raised concern about widening global imbalances after the financial crisis, calling them one of the main challenges for the global economy.Global imbalances were blamed for contributing to and aggravating the financial crisis and recession that struck the global economy in 2008 and 2009.
"A concern is that after some partial reduction induced by the crisis, global imbalances are starting to widen again," Trichet said according to a speech text for a ceremony, in which he was awarded the Global Economy Prize 2011 by the Institute for World Economy in the northern German city of Kiel.Such imbalances raise challenges for international monetary and fiscal cooperation, Trichet said, referring to global imbalances as "one of the main challenges facing the global economy and the world community."
Finance ministers of the world's major economies reached a fudged accord in February on how to measure such imbalances after China prevented the use of exchange rates and currency reserves as indicators.
The United States and other western countries accuse Beijing of keeping the yuan artificially undervalued to boost its exports, hence accumulating massive foreign currency reserves that they say distort the world economy.
Trichet said the euro zone does not contribute to global imbalances, pointing to projections by the International Monetary Fund which see the euro area current account broadly balanced this year and the next, up to 2015.
He pointed out that "the euro area has a significant stake in effective global re-balancing, notably through sounder domestic policies worldwide which, in turn, would contribute to global external stability."
The euro zone is struggling with a severe debt crisis, facing its toughest test as it tries to prevent Greece defaulting.
The ECB is at odds with governments, including Germany, over a rescue package for Greece, and in particular over the terms of any moves to draw private sector lenders into the bailout operation.
Trichet criticized the currency bloc's policymaking process, saying governance was lacking.
"Governance of the economic union is insufficient," he told an audience in the northern German city of Kiel after receiving the Global Economy Prize.
"We are not responsible for governance in the economic union," he added, referring to the role played by the ECB. "In this domain we act as an adviser."
"We have very hard work today, and improving governance today is exactly what is being negotiated between the council, the ... parliament and the commission," Trichet said.
"We are pushing this trialogue ... the lessons to be drawn from the present situation are pushing us in the direction of bold changes in governance," he said.
Trichet did not explain what these changes could be, saying it is "work in progress."
Matteo Olivieri
>> Le informazioni qui contenute non (!) costituiscono sollecitazioni ad investire.

giovedì 16 giugno 2011

Collasso dell'architettura monetaria europea: io l'avevo detto...

Cosenza (Italy), 16 Giugno 2011

Ora, finalmente, anche la BCE è allarmata: la stabilità dell'Eurosistema è a rischio, se la crisi greca dovesse estendersi ad altri paesi. Io avevo predetto il verificarsi di questa situazione fin dal 2005, e avvertivo che solo un canale interbancario fluido avrebbe potuto scongiurare una crisi della politica fiscale e monetaria. A quanto pare, anche il canale interbancario sta collassando, almeno a giudicare dal numero di prelievi di denaro dalle banche greche degli ultimi mesi...nonostante i tentativi di salvataggio già effettuati (Fonte FAZ):

Europa: Schuldenkrise zieht immer weitere Kreise

Ecco l'articolo Bloomberg 15/6 "Greek Bank Threat is Main Stability Risk: ECB"
The European Central Bank said the threat of the Greek debt crisis spilling over into the banking sector is the biggest risk to the region’s financial stability. “Greece could have a contagion effect,” ECB Vice President Vitor Constancio said at a briefing in Frankfurttoday, when presenting the bank’s semi-annual Financial Stability Review. “That’s the reason why we are against any sort of default with haircuts and any form of private-sector event that could lead to a credit event or a rating event.”
The euro area’s sovereign-debt woes have worsened as investors increased bets that Greece will not be able to pay its debts, sparking the region’s first sovereign default. The risk that euro-area banks holding Greek government bonds will be saddled with losses has jumped, after
Standard & Poor’s slapped Greece with the world’s lowest credit rating on June 13. "The euro area faces a very challenging situation that comes mostly from the interconnection of the sovereign debt crisis and the situation of the banking sector,’’ the ECB said in the review. “In light of the potentially very dangerous implications of sovereign-debt restructuring for the debtor country, including its banking system, a determined and unwavering focus on improving fundamentals” is required.
Vienna Initiative
The ECB and the German government have clashed over how much investors should contribute to alleviating Greece’s debt load, which reached 143 percent of gross domestic product in 2010. While the German government has argued for an extension of the maturities of Greek bonds, the ECB has said it’s against anything that could be interpreted as a default. Constancio reiterated that the ECB is in favor of a plan for bondholders to agree to roll over their debt voluntarily. The approach is modeled on the Vienna initiative, where banks agreed to roll over loans to units in Eastern Europe at the height of the financial crisis in 2009. “We are not against all forms of private-sector involvement,” he said. “Some sort of Vienna style initiative could be conceived. It’s not for us to provide solutions.” While Ireland and Portugal were also forced to ask for external help over the past year, the ECB said there are“encouraging” signs the crisis has been contained. Adjustment ‘Burden’
The crisis needs to be tackled by “adjustment in countries that are more vulnerable in respect of their public finances situation,” Constancio said. “The burden of the adjustment is on the countries themselves by complying fully with the agreements that the three countries have made.” Banks’ reliance on wholesale funding decreased in 2010 and early this year, according to the report, suggesting the region’s lender are becoming more resilient overall. Constancio said that financial conditions “are improving.”
“A continued normalization of the unsecured interbank market in the euro area has been accompanied by a significant pickup in debt issuance, in particular in covered-bond markets,” the ECB said in the review. Still, in countries facing “acute fiscal challenges,” a lack of access to bank funding continues to be “an Achilles heel.”
The collapse of property markets in some euro nations also poses a risk to the financial sector, the ECB said. “Concerns derive from potential losses resulting from a need to adjust the book value of depressed property valuations to prevailing market conditions, with a continued potential for further declines and the associated deterioration of the relatedcredit quality in some euro area countries,” it said. The ECB’s non-standard measures, or the purchase ofgovernment bonds and the provision of unlimited liquidity to lenders, proved to be “pivotal not only to maintain price stability but also to foster financial stability,” the report said. The central bank has called emergency measures“temporary,” when calling on governments to find ways to restore investor confidence and contain the fiscal crisis.
“Such efforts are crucial for the effective containment and mitigation of risks relating to sovereign debt in the euro area,” the ECB said in the report.
Ed ecco, invece, il mio paper «The Bug in the European Monetary Architecture: Can a Collapse still be avoided?» , in cui spiegavo tutta la "fenomenologia" della crisi: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1602944

Matteo Olivieri
>> Le informazioni qui contenute non (!) costituiscono sollecitazioni ad investire.

domenica 5 giugno 2011

Crisi internazionale: a che punto siamo?

Cosenza (Italy),  5 Giugno 2011

Il Prof. Roubini (NYU) ha recentemente sintetizzato l'argomento con una frase impeccabile: la crisi è cominciata con un livello elevato di debito privato ed ora abbiamo troppo debito pubblico. Talmente elevato, che alcuni paesi hanno perso la capacità di accedere ai mercati, e devono ricorrere ad aiuti sovranazionali per ripagare i propri debiti. Ma chi pagherà questi debiti, se un giorno anche gli organismi sovranazionali (BCE, FMI, ecc.) dovessero avere dei problemi?
Nouriel Roubini ...The crisis started with too much private debt and then we socialized the losses and now we have too much public debt and so these sovereign have lost market access and are now being bailed out by super nationals Greece Ireland Portugal are being bailed out by the IMF ECB EFSF EU you name it , but you cannot kick the can down the road from these stock or public debt from private to public to sopra national no one is going to come from the moon or Mars to bailout the IMF or the ECB if the debt is too much and you cannot grow yourself out of that problem, if you cannot save yourself out of the debt problem and if you cannot inflate yourself out of that problem because the ECB is not going to allow inflation ..then there is only one solution debt restructure and debt reduction done in orderly and market friendly oriented way ...
Il problema posto  è rilevante, ma finora non è stato seriamente preso in considerazione a livello politico: basti pensare, per esempio, al nuovo piano di salvataggio per la Grecia che - a quanto pare - non sarà mai in grado di poter ripagare il debito puntando solo su taglio dei consumi interni e aumento della tassazione (vedi Bloomberg 4/6 "EU Preparing New Rescue Package for Greece"):
European Union officials will focus on preparing a new aid package for Greece that includes a“voluntary” role for investors after the EU and theInternational Monetary Fund approved the fifth installment of Greece’s 110 billion-euro ($161 billion) bailout.
“I expect the euro group to agree to additional financing to be provided to Greece under strict conditionality,”Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker said after meeting with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou in Luxembourg on June 3. “This conditionality will include private-sector involvement on a voluntary basis.”
Papandreou agreed to 78 billion euros in additional austerity measures and asset sales through 2015 to secure the 12 billion-euro bailout payment and meet conditions for receiving an additional rescue package. He agreed to make “significant”cuts in public-sector employment and establish an agency to manage accelerated asset sales, according to a statement released in Athens on June 3. The plan is fueling popular opposition and protests across Greece.
Greek bonds gained on the prospect of a new aid plan, with the yield on the country’s two-year notes falling 172 basis points yesterday to 22.8 percent, the lowest since April 20. The agreements came at the end of a week when Greece’s fiscal crisis worsened enough for Moody’s Investors Service to raise the probability of a default to 50 percent.
‘Debt Problem’
“The current discussions over the Greek debt problem have arisen mostly because of a realization that Greece won’t be able to raise money through normal bond issuance in 2012,” said Justin Knight, an analyst at UBS AG in London. “The choice for policy makers is one between funneling more aid funds into Greece to avoid default next year and restructuring debt now so that funds due to be paid to Greece under the current plan can last longer.”
A year after the rescue that aimed to stop the spread of the debt crisis, Greece remains mired in a third year of recession, shut out of financial markets and saddled with the biggest debt load in the euro’s history. Ireland and Portugal followed in seeking bailouts and Greece now needs a second rescue package to avoid the euro area’s first sovereign default.
Under the original rescue, Greece was due to sell 27 billion euros of bonds next year. EU leaders and Papandreou have acknowledged that a return to markets won’t be possible with Greece’s 10-year debt yielding 16 percent, more than twice the level at the time of the bailout. The EU is looking to close that funding gap through new loans and bondholders’ willingness to roll over Greek debt, EU officials have said.
IMF Funds
Europe’s financial leaders needed to hammer out a revised Greek package to persuade the IMF to pay its share of the 12 billion-euro tranche originally due in June. The IMF had indicated that it would withhold its 3.3 billion-euro piece unless the EU comes up with a plan to close Greece’s funding gap for 2012. The EU-IMF statement said the full payment would be made in early July.
The Washington-based lender provided 30 billion euros of Greece’s original loans, along with a third of the loans since granted to Ireland and Portugal.
Policy makers have in recent days narrowed in on bond rollovers as a pillar of any new aid package. The step would be favored by the European Central Bank, according to two officials familiar with the situation, as it would reduce the risk of any agreement being classified as a default. Investors may be given preferred status, higher coupon payments or collateral, said two other EU officials familiar with the situation. EU leaders are due to meet in Brussels on June 23-24 to approve a plan.
Spending Cuts
About 55 percent of investors in Greek government bondswould likely roll over holdings of securities maturing through 2013 to help the nation manage its budget deficit, according to ING Groep NV.
Euro-region governments have reached a tentative agreement on a package in which the nation’s private-sector creditors will contribute about 30 billion euros, the Wall Street Journal reported today, citing unidentified senior euro-zone officials. The process of exchanging current debt for longer maturity replacements might begin as soon as July, the Journal said.
Papandreou is promising 6.4 billion euros of spending cuts this year, another 22 billion euros up to 2015, and 50 billion euros in sales of assets including Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA (HTO) and Public Power Corp SA. The pledges aim to get the deficit down to 7.5 percent of gross domestic product and were key to securing the fifth bailout payment. Papandreou is facing a backlash against the additional measures at home.
Market ‘Turn’
Members of the PAME labor union took over the Finance Ministry offices in central Athens yesterday, preventing employees from entering the building. They hung a banner from the roof calling for a general strike to oppose the measures.
A group of 16 lawmakers from Papandreou’s Pasok party this past week sent the premier a letter asking for a discussion of the austerity process. Papandreou will present the plan to lawmakers and his Cabinet in the new week. Workers at state-owned companies are organizing a 24-hour strike on June 9.
Moody’s downgraded Greece to Caa1, on a par with Cuba, and raised the nation’s risk of default on June 1 after policy makers considered asking investors to reinvest in new Greek debt when existing bonds mature. The move prompted Greek 10-year bonds to fall to the lowest since January.
‘New Territory’
“When more details will be available and we will get declarations that a deal has been reached, we might see a turn in bond markets,” said Chiara Cremonesi, a fixed-income strategist at UniCredit SpA in London. “The risk here is that they find a solution to fix the problem temporarily and don’t address it structurally.”
“The general perception is that Greece will head to some form of restructuring, and eventually the ratings will probably move to D,” said Brian Barry, an analyst at Evolution Securities Ltd. in London. “For a sovereign rating to fall from about A to this level is new territory.”
Moody’s on June 3 cut the ratings on eight Greek banks, including the nation’s largest, National Bank of Greece SA. (ETE)
The austerity measures have choked growth, shedding doubts on whether Greece will generate the tax revenue to pay off its debts. The economy if forecast to shrink 3.5 percent this year after contracting more than 4 percent last year. Some economists including Nobel-prize winner Joseph Stiglitz said the country would be better off if it restructured its debt.
Buying Time
“Hopefully they will go forward with an orderly restructuring -- that is the only way to restore growth with equity,” the Columbia University professor told a conference in Sitges, Spain, on June 3. Austerity will not bolster growth,“but is only a step to the disorderly restructuring that will almost inevitably follow,” Stiglitz said.
The EU program is aimed more at protecting Europe’s banks, than helping Greece, he said.
The new aid and debt rollovers will give Greece more time to trim its budget deficit, though will do little to reduce its rising debt load. Greece’s debt is likely to mushroom to 157.7 percent of gross domestic product in 2011, the highest in euro history, the European Commission said on May 13.
The aid package may be more about buying time for Europe’s banks and other high-debt nations to prepare for the fallout of a Greek restructuring, said James Nixon, chief European economist at Societe Generale SA in London.
“This strategy of playing for time is not without its merits,” he said in a note to investors on June 3. “It buys a number of the other Europeans time to put their own house in order and pursue their programs of fiscal consolidation. Time hopefully will also help Europe’s banks provision against future losses on sovereign debt. Finally and perhaps most critically, time also enables the peripheral economies themselves to implement fiscal reforms and return to a primary balance.” Juncker rejected the worst-case scenario. “It’s obvious that there will be no exit of Greece from the euro area,” he said. “There will be no default and Greece will be able to fully honor its obligations.”
Nel frattempo, anche gli USA stanno pensando ad un nuovo pacchetto di aiuti nei confronti dei proprietari di case, che ancora hanno difficoltà a ripagare i debiti contratti (vedi CNBC 4/6 "Delinquent Homeowners to Get Mortgage Aid from Government"):
The Obama administration wants to help more struggling Americans stay in their homes by reducing the amount they owe on their troubled mortgages, a top Treasury official said Saturday. "We are very definitely trying to facilitate more principal reductions," said Timothy Massad, Treasury's acting assistant secretary for financial stability. "It is a very important piece of the overall solution," he said. The administration is trying through taxpayer-funded programs to prevent homeowners from losing their homes. Nearly $50 billion has been set aside from the $700 billion bank bailout known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, to help distressed homeowners.
Persistently high unemployment and a weak housing market pose a threat to President Obama's re-election prospects next year.
So far, one of the programs has helped some 670,000 distressed homeowners win lower mortgage payments. But that has done very little to help the overall housing market, which remains depressed even as other parts of the economy have started to recover.
A glut of houses for sale, foreclosures, tight credit and little demand have impeded the housing recovery. Recent data showed that home prices dropped below the low seen in April 2009 during the financial crisis.
Come uscire da questa situazione? C'è chi avanza una strategia su 4 punti (vedi CNBC 3/6 "Cramer: These 4 Things Could Fix Market"), la maggioranza dei quali assomiglia molto da vicino alle osservazioni da me indicate in miei precedenti post:
There are four "cure-alls" that can get us out of this bad market, Cramer said Friday.  First, Cramer said stock prices may need to fall across the board. Should the Dow fall from 12,151 to 10,000, he thinks there would be a lot of buying opportunities. Second, Washington has to come to an agreement on the debt ceiling. Third, the price of oil needs to go down. He thinks that could happen should the exchanges raise margin requirements, as the silver exchanges recently had. Fourth, we need some indication that the Chinese central bank will stop raising interest rates. “Without one of these four cure-alls,” Cramer believes, “we are going to be in this horrible free fire zone with the worst option, the price fall, being the least palatable solution if you own stocks, but the most opportunistic one if you have a lot of cash when it happens.”
Matteo Olivieri
>> Le informazioni qui contenute non (!) costituiscono sollecitazioni ad investire.

sabato 4 giugno 2011

Previsioni settimana valutaria 5 - 10 Giugno 2011

Cosenza (Italy), 4 Giugno 2011

A mercati fermi, ecco le mie previsioni per la settimana entrante:
  1. Apprezzamento dell'Euro su Dollaro USA;
  2. Apprezzamento del Dollaro USA su Yen giapponese;
  3. Apprezzamento del Dollaro USA su Franco svizzero;
  4. Apprezzamento del Dollaro USA su Sterlina inglese;
  5. Apprezzamento dell'Euro su Yen giapponese;
  6. Apprezzamento dell'Euro su Franco svizzero;
  7. Apprezzamento dell'Euro su Sterlina inglese;
Il Dollaro USA mostra notevoli segnali di forza rispetto all'Euro, soprattutto in Oriente e sulla piazza di Londra. Tuttavia, ritengo che l'Euro sia destinato ad apprezzarsi ancora in settimana, soprattutto sui mercati svizzeri.


Lunedi 6 Giugno 2011: Ad oggi sono  4 su 7 le previsioni avverate sia su base quotidiana che settimanale. L'asterisco indica i risultati di poco sopra o sotto la mia previsione.
  1. NO* – NO*
  2. NO* – NO*
  3. OK – OK
  4. OK – OK
  5. NO* – NO*
  6. OK – OK
  7. OK – OK
Matteo Olivieri
>> Le informazioni qui contenute non (!) costituiscono sollecitazioni ad investire.